About Pierre

Pierre Poilievre is a life-long conservative, champion of a free market, and fighter for people taking ownership of and responsibility for their own futures.

Pierre has been elected to seven terms by the people of Carleton, and is proud to serve as their Member of Parliament. In government, Pierre served as a trusted senior minister in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s cabinet.

Pierre became Leader of His Majesty’s Official Opposition in September 2022, and is running to be the Prime Minister of Canada. He believes in a country where the state is servant, not master. Where smaller government makes room for bigger citizens. Where people have the freedom to build a business without red tape and heavy tax.

To make room for personal freedom and responsibility, he believes in limiting government. He has been one of the loudest voices in the past several years fighting out-of-control deficit spending and tax increases, as Liberal addiction to debt became a crisis.

Pierre was one of the first voices to predict the inflation crisis that this country faces, pointing out that the sharp increases represent an “inflation tax”, a sneaky way for governments to raise money by raising prices for the people. Today, more than half of families in Canada say they struggle just to feed themselves.

He also was one of the first voices to speak up against unscientific mandates and unacceptable limits on the freedoms of Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pierre believes that freedom is critical for this country and has pressed the government to commit to ending its politicized and divisive response.

Pierre lives in Ottawa with his wife Anaida and their children Valentina and Cruz. He grew up in Calgary and graduated from the University of Calgary with a degree in International Relations.