$10.5 million to a terrorist? Sign the petition to say no

Trudeau government quietly paid $10.5 million to Omar Khadr


Last week, the Liberal government was caught quietly giving convicted and confessed terrorist Omar Khadr $10.5 million of taxpayers’ money.


This is reprehensible. Canadian taxpayers did not force Omar Khadr to fight for the Taliban in Afghanistan, nor did we imprison him in Guantanamo Bay. Additionally, Canadian soldiers who are injured or killed in combat receive a maximum Disability Award of $360,000 – or just 3.4% of what the Trudeau government awarded Khadr.


So why do WE need to pay him $10.5 million?


What is most amazing is that the Supreme Court did NOT rule that the government was required to pay Khadr – it was a political decision by Prime Minister Trudeau and the Liberal cabinet. Trudeau insulted the many Canadians who fought and died combating the Taliban.


If you disagree with Justin Trudeau’s decision to pay Khadr $10.5 million, click here to sign the petition. This is an official petition that will be tabled in the House of Commons.