Members’ Statements

Trudeau & Freeland Break Canada’s Record for Longest Period Without Economic Plan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON – Pierre Poilievre, Conservative Shadow Minister for Finance, released the following statement regarding Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland breaking the record for the longest period in Canadian history without presenting an economic plan: “In a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, that has led to a devastating economic downturn, entrepreneurs and workers are looking […]

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Open Letter to the Auditor General on the Canada Student Service Grant

Letter from Canada’s Conservatives to the Auditor General regarding Liberal government’s outsourcing of $900 million Canada Student Service Grant to WE Charity FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OTTAWA, ON – Today, the Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Conservative Shadow Minister for Finance, Dan Albas, Shadow Minister for Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, and Raquel Dancho, Shadow Minister for […]

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Readout: MP Poilievre speaks with the Minister of Finance Bill Morneau

On Tuesday May 19th, Conservative Shadow Minister for Finance Pierre Poilievre, spoke with the Minister of Finance Bill Morneau about the government’s COVID-19 economic response plan. Mr. Poilievre thanked the Minister for the call and asked the following three questions: 1. The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is only available to businesses whose revenues are less […]

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Trudeau Liberals once again let down Canadian workers, businesses and taxpayers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OTTAWA – The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Conservative Shadow Minister for Finance, and the Hon. Michelle Rempel Garner, Conservative Shadow Minister for Industry and Economic Development, today responded to the government’s Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF) announcement. “The Trudeau Liberals have once again let down Canadian workers, businesses and taxpayers,” said MP […]

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Happy Canada Day – the BNA is Canada’s DNA

  July 1st is the 150th anniversary of the British North American Act, or BNA. The BNA is Canada’s DNA. It transformed 650 years of British parliamentary democracy designed for a small island in the old world into a vast new federation in the new one. It needed no high-minded ideals about rights and freedoms […]

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You’re invited to Vesak Day on Parliament Hill

  Madam Speaker, I rise today to invite you and all hon. colleagues to Vesak Day on Parliament Hill. This is an event being held on May 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Sir John A. Macdonald Building. Vesak Day is the day Buddhists remember the birth, the enlightenment, and the passing […]

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If the Liberals want innovation, they should cancel their carbon tax

Mr. Speaker, if the government is interested in super catalystic venture capitalistic innovation projects, it might look no further than SunTech Tomato Greenhouses in my riding, which has actually learned how to produce tomatoes in Canada in the winter. In fact, it just installed LED lights over an acre of its greenhouse, costing a million […]

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Celebrating a great Canadian

  In 1991, a brilliant and athletic Michelle Stilwell became paralysed by a terrible accident and was condemned to a wheelchair.     She decided not to let it keep her down. In fact, she went on to compete in multiple paralympic games in which she was successful at securing six gold medals and one silver, in […]

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