Government Votes Down Bill to Allow Workers with Disabilities to Keep their Earnings


Official Opposition Shadow Finance Minister Pierre Poilievre said that he will continue to fight for workers on disability assistance after the government voted down his private member’s bill today. The Opportunity for Workers with Disabilities Act would have addressed the “welfare wall” by ensuring that workers on disability did not lose more in taxes and government clawbacks than they made in income.

The bill required Finance Canada to calculate how much workers with disabilities lose for every $1000 they earn. If they lose more than they gain, the Finance Minister would be required to consider changes to federal tax and benefits to fix the problem. The bill also required provinces do the same, as a condition of receiving billions in federal transfer payments.

“Workers with disabilities often face marginal effective tax rates of more than 100% when you take into account benefit clawbacks and taxes on their earnings,” said Mr. Poilievre. “That means the harder they work the poorer they become. We must end this injustice, knock down this welfare wall and make work pay for everyone.”

Mr. Poilievre added, “It is unfortunate that the government voted against this bill. I would like to thank my Conservatives colleagues, Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, CCF Leader Erin Weir and Liberal MPs Wayne Long, Chandra Arya, Nathan Erskine-Smith and Nicola Di Iorio for supporting the Opportunity for Workers with Disabilities Act. The fight goes on.”


For More Information please contact:

The Office of Pierre Poilievre, MP
House of Commons