OTTAWA, ON – Today the Liberal majority on the health committee shut down debate on whether to study the federal government’s delay of the Ottawa Hospital’s new Civic Campus, protecting minister Catherine McKenna from testifying on her controversial role in the matter.
Carleton Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre tabled the motion in June and arrived at the health committee today to speak about his motion. Before he could finish speaking he was cut off by Liberal Chair Bill Casey, who said the delay of the new hospital was not in the health committee’s jurisdiction. Liberal Members of Parliament, who hold a majority on the committee, agreed with Casey’s ruling, shutting down the motion before it could be debated or voted on.
“In the election, Liberals promised openness and transparency, but today we saw the Liberal majority shut down debate to protect Minister McKenna,” Poilievre said. “The Liberal Chair arbitrarily ruled my motion outside of the committee’s jurisdiction. It’s a hospital. If this isn’t in the health committee’s mandate then what is?”
“The Liberal majority on the health committee is protecting the minister from testifying about her political interference in the hospital’s construction,” said Poilievre. “They are covering for the minister in her evasion of accountability, inquiry, and transparency.”
“I am not backing down. My motion needs a vote,” said Poilievre, who is considering raising the matter with the House Speaker in order to get a vote on the motion.
- Read the transcript of today’s committee meeting at:
“That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee immediately undertake a study into the government’s rejection of an expert-panel’s decision to locate the future Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus on federal land across the street from the existing Hospital; and that the Committee call the Ministers of Environment, Heritage, and Agriculture and Dr. Mark Kristmanson, CEO of the National Capital Commission (NCC), to discuss the matter.”