Trudeau Liberals Must End the WE Scandal Cover-Up


Ottawa, ON – Michael Barrett, Conservative Shadow Minister for Ethics, and Pierre Poilievre, Conservative Shadow Minister for Finance, released the following statement today calling on the Trudeau Liberals to end the WE Scandal cover-up at the Finance and Ethics committees:

“For the past two weeks Liberal MPs on the Ethics and Finance committees have continued their cover-up in order to block the release of key documents related to the WE Scandal. The Liberals must immediately end their cover-up, release the documents, tell Canadians the truth and allow the work of Parliament to continue.

“Justin Trudeau shut down Parliament in order to end multiple parliamentary investigations into his unethical behaviour, and now Liberal MPs are following suit by continuing the cover-up at these committees. The Trudeau government will do whatever it takes to hide the truth from Canadians.

“If there is nothing incriminating in these documents then there is no reason why the Trudeau Liberals are spending so much time and resources engaging in this cover-up. There is clearly information related to this scandal that the government blacked out and don’t want Canadians to see.

“When Justin Trudeau shut down Parliament to block investigations into his scandals, he claimed, “when parliament resumes in the fall there will be ample opportunities to continue to ask whatever questions that committees or members want to continue to do.” Conservatives promised that we would get answers for Canadians. We will follow through on that promise and evidently, the promise made by Justin Trudeau.”